Stonnington Toy Library is serious about play

Let’s Play

Membership is available for parents, carers and grandparents of children aged 0-10 years of age, as well as not-for-profit groups of the City of Stonnington, or for those whom this is their most convenient Toy Library, we welcome you all!

We have over 4000 age appropriate toys, puzzles and games available to borrow for up to 3 weeks at a time (with the ability to renew your chosen toys once). You can borrow as many times a year as suits your family, so if a chosen toy is a miss, don’t fear, just pop back in during open hours and choose a different one. Your membership level indicates how many toys/games and puzzles you can have on loan at any given time, but extra toys can be taken out for a nominal fee of $2 a toy and $1 a puzzle.


Families pay an annual membership fee and join in with some fundraising.

We currently have three membership levels:

* Concession is Centrelink Health Care Card or Carer

Basic Membership

2 Toys + 1 Puzzle/Game

Full Price $100

Concession* $50

Standard Membership
(most popular)

4 Toys + 2 Puzzles/Games

Full Price $140

Concession* $70

Premium Membership

6 Toys + 3 Puzzles/Games

Full Price $160

Concession* $80

Volunteering is encouraged during your membership year, however there is an opt out fee available if you are unable to fulfil volunteering commitments. We ask that members volunteer a minimum of 4 hours annually (this can be spread across the year), this supports the smooth operation of our broad open hours. Volunteering consists of many tasks, from toy repairs, processing toys, working bees and assisting with ‘stay and play’ sessions. If you have a specific skill or are interested in being a bigger part of the Toy Library by joining our Committee, please speak to our team when you visit us, as we rely on a wide range of expertise to successfully run the Toy Library.

The Stonnington Toy Library is a community service not-for-profit, and as such we depend on fundraising to keep our overheads down and new exciting toys available for the children. Members are asked to support our two annual fundraisers, either by baking/cooking for our annual Bake Sale or selling/buying raffle tickets for our big annual raffle. Alternatively members can pay an opt-out fee.

If you, or someone you know can't afford a membership, please speak to us as we have a number of family sponsorships available.

We also offer one-off borrowing for grandparents, aunties, uncles or friends who have children coming to stay with them and want something fun they can play with. A casual membership is 6 items for $30 for 3 weeks

You’re welcome to drop in during open hours for a no obligation tour or email us if you have any questions.